
Agriculture and Livestock Services

The goal of SARP is to contribute to Sri Lanka’s smallholder poverty reduction and food security in the dry zone region. Under Agriculture & Livestock sector, climate smart agricultural technologies will be promoted through Farmer Field  schools. Amongst women in particular will be strengthened to ensure that communities become more resilient to climate-related shocks and that the necessary support services to communities and households will be readily available.   A possible menu of interventions include aquaculture, livestock development and other diversified activities.

Poor dietary diversity will be addressed by increasing the availability and consumption of nutritious and diverse foods and enhancing income to ensure healthy eating and improved family diets.  Supporting activities at household level will include the development of multi-purpose home gardens, nurseries, aquaculture and small scale livestock development (goats and dairy cows) and miscellaneous income generating activities. The objective of small livestock development is to build new livestock assets as a means to secure the livelihood of women and other vulnerable persons.

Individuals in farm households and groups will be eligible for assistance from SARP to develop and diversify their livelihoods through a number of options that have been proven to be successful in the region. These include backyard poultry, semi intensive small scale dairy farming and semi-intensive goat production as a general strategy as well as aquaculture in specific locations where suitable. For the more vulnerable households with restricted access to land, or limited opportunities to support themselves, the basic package will provide an essential safety net and a graduation from the Cash for Assets activities.